Over one hundred years ago, Mary Harriman founded the Junior League in New York City as a direct result of her work with recent immigrants in the settlement houses there. Her vision was to establish a channel to promote social responsibility and an opportunity to positively impact the community at large. The Junior League of Toledo (JLT), founded in 1933, continues this tradition through its current project focus on Health and Wellness. The JLT seeks to affect positive change in these and other community issues, through the hands-on work of our volunteers by funding League-sponsored community projects, and by advocating for those with whom we partner on community projects.
The Junior League has been the driving force behind the kinds of initiatives and institutions that make our community a healthier, more vital place to live.
Junior League members—reflecting a wide range of backgrounds, interests and professional pursuits—work together to identify unmet needs, forge effective coalitions and work for change. Time and time again, the Junior League is among the first organizations to step up to the plate and tackle a community’s biggest challenges.
We invite you to watch the following video to learn more about the history of the Junior League and it’s impact through out the entire world.