Thank you for considering the Junior League of Toledo for your charitable donation! The Junior League of Toledo is part of a network of empowered female civic leaders working with community partners to address and solve pressing issues like human trafficking and childhood obesity. We’re part of an international network of Leagues comprised of over 160,000 women, in Canada, Mexico, the U.K. and the U.S., engaged in similar work in their own communities. This provides us with a unique and powerful depth of knowledge and resourcefulness to bring about the changes we strive to accomplish.
Ways to Contribute
As We Grow Donation
In June 2020, The Junior League of Toledo established its own diaper bank, “As We Grow”, with the goal of ending diaper need for low-income families in the Toledo area. The League will be raising money and procuring diapers, wipes, and creams from the directly benefit their community partners, who will then distribute them directly to their clients. Please donate today to help benefit children in need, their families, and our entire community.

Endowment Fund Donation
With the generous support and gifts of our members, the endowment fund will help ensure the long-term financial security of the Junior League of Toledo, Inc. The cash, stock and non-monetary contributions to the Endowment Fund are gifts that will continue to support the League for generations to come. The Fund’s principal can never be touched. Your contribution to the Fund is literally there for perpetuity, growing over time. The Endowment Fund has received many individual gifts from members like you since it was established.