The Junior League of Toledo offered scholarships to recruit potential professionals as graduate students and provided a speaker’s bureau to inform high school students of possible careers in social work. Mrs. Lou Ann Tobler was the first coordinator of a paid internship program for junior and senior college students for six weeks in the summer in a local social work agency. The purpose of this three year program funded by the Junior League of Toledo was to attract people into the field of social work.

Financial Contribution: $20,700

1965-67 Smiley Putman
1967-69 Joan Haigh
1969-71 Cecily Stranahan
1971-73 Peggy Emerson
1973-75 Alice Weber
1975-77 Phyllis Driggs
1977-79 Nancy Metzger
1979-81 Janet Esch
1981-83 Tracy Wimberly
1983-84 Susan Martin
1984-85 Fredi Heywood
1985-86 Betsy Brady

In cooperation with: Toledo Council of Social Agencies